Blog,  CCL Diaries

CCL Diaries – 11 – Frights, delights and a lot more in sight!

β€œI’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” 
― L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables.

October, where to begin! It has been such an incredible, fun month! I can’t lie, I struggled with lockdown, and how much life changed. I need to be busy, out and about, and being shut up, alone, had a really big impact. I guess like so many people, I thought 2021 would be completely different, but as we entered the year in lockdown, I quickly saw everything deteriorating once again. October has really been one of the first months where things have actually felt, dare I say, normal! And it has been completely welcomed!!

Between racing, shows and my first trip on a plane in 21 months, it has been such a special, and incredible month.

πŸ’» Social Media πŸ’»

During the month of October, my Instagram page hit 10k followers! Whilst it may be such a tiny number to so many people, and I don’t deny that, it did feel a huge achievement to me. I love my social media spaces, and I put so much time into them. Everything on social media seems a race now, and whatever you do feels as though it is never as good as someone else. But I am proud of my pages, and what I have built. I didn’t want to make a deal out of 10k, despite my friends being so over the moon for me. I guess part of that is because I always think – but everyone else is already there. Pretty crazy thinking right! In reality – what does it matter where anyone else is, I should have celebrated more because it did mean a lot to me. And I shouldn’t have felt ’embarrassed’ about being proud of that. It’s funny because even how long I have been doing this blog now (and feeling like I should know better!), I still have those feelings of ‘do people actually like me’ and ‘why do people even follow along, or read my blog’.

Something I realised the other day was how I never actually address in any blogs that I’m based in England, or the UK. I have never even really thought about that until I was watching YouTube videos the other day, when Youtubers clarify the Country because of viewers from all over the world tuning in. Despite monitoring my stats closely, I often forget just how many Countries are reading this blog, and may not know or understand something I am writing about if it is completely different to their Country. I think last time I checked we were at around the 135 Countries mark! How incredible is that! I am so incredibly grateful for each and every person that loves reading these posts. I still feel quite emotional when someone messages me to say how much they enjoy it. When you put so much pressure on yourself, those messages mean the world!

It was also the month that I gained my referral code for Holland Cooper. This is a brand that I have adored and admired for so many years now. I spent many years saving to add beautiful investment pieces to my wardrobe, and to now be able to work closer with this brand is a dream come true. I know I have mentioned it previously, but if you are shopping for any beautiful Holland Cooper items, I would really appreciate you going through my unique link below. This is such an easy way to help your favourite bloggers out, and honestly, we really really appreciate it more than you would ever know πŸ’“

I’ve been having some really interesting discussions this month for upcoming projects, and work for the blog, and I am so excited for the things to come. I put so much pressure on myself, and I am such a perfectionist, that as much as I adore my blog, I can sometimes feel like things aren’t ‘perfect’ (and what even is ‘perfect’???), but I am so so excited for what’s to come! These conversations fill me with pride about my blog, and the hard work which goes into it, pretty much all of which is behind the scenes!

🐴 HOYS 🐴

I’ve already touched on how incredible HOYS was in a previous blog (read here!), but I couldn’t summarise this month without bringing back up the fact that we actually had an indoor event run this year, and so successfully!! I visited one day of HOYS with two of my darlings friends, who don’t live too close by to me, the other day I spent with another friend who I see regularly. To be able to see and spend time with all friends properly again is just amazing. Covid separated us from so many people and I think you just appreciate those around you that ever more now. I am so reliant on my friends, I am probably what you would describe as ‘needy’ when it comes to wanting to love and adore my friends, but also needing them close by. I am so lucky that I have the most incredibly beautiful friends, who have helped me get through some of the hardest things.

HOYS meant so much to not only me, but I think everyone that went, and was part of the show. Next stop… London Horse Show (previously Olympia!) – are you going?!

🐎 Racing 🐎

It has been such a fantastic month for getting back out to Racecourses for the National Hunt Season. I’ve made it to Cheltenham, Chepstow and Stratford, and honestly, it’s where I feel most at home. I know for so many people it’s a lovely day out, but having worked with racehorses, and studied both horse and jockey to such a great extent, it’s more than just a boozy day out dressed up for me. Racing shapes such a huge part of my life.

Of course, October is the return of the long awaited Showcase Meeting, which welcomes the National Hunt season back to Cheltenham Racecourse – the home of jump racing! I am so spoilt that Cheltenham is on my doorstep, it is one of the reasons I absolutely adore where I live, and it is such a significant part of 7 months of my year, that it has probably been one of the driving forces of me never looking to move anywhere else! If you want to catch up on the Showcase meet, click here to read my blog! I wore two beautiful outfits for the event, so you can find all of the information in that blog!

I have various other blogs to help you out with any of your own race day outfits. You can search these through the racing page on my homepage, or by searching via the search bar. I also have lots more racing content planned throughout the season too!

☘️ Ireland ☘️

I took a ‘flying’ visit to Ireland, quite literally, a week or so ago. I honestly can’t describe how amazing it was to be on a plane again. I know some people hate flying, but I absolutely love it. I don’t mind being on a plane at all, and I love the feeling and thought of being up in the air. It’s funny because, it’s been so long, that when I got to the airport I had kind of forgotten where to go and what to do. Luckily it was pretty smooth at both airports! I can’t wait to be able to go off and adventure even further afield. So many of you will be aware that my heart certainly belongs over in America, and it will be a dream come true to get back over there.

But for now, Ireland was a start. I have only visited Ireland once before, but I really do love it there. There is such positivity and enthusiasm that seems to run through the air, as well as such beautiful Countryside. It was a very short visit and I had to be back in time for Cheltenham Races, but it was a very horsey packed visit. One of the places we visited was the Irish National Stud, which was just incredible. I haven’t ever been before, but it is open to the public so you can make a visit. Not only is it a fully functional stud, but it is also home to some of the most incredible and well known racing legends, who have gone there to live their retirement out like kings.

The Irish National Stud have also worked hard to produce a new attraction which focuses on the Irish TB racing industry. This is an interactive attraction, where you buy, train and race your very own racehorse. This was so much fun, what I didn’t quite realise was that we sat on the (pretend) horses and ‘raced’ them ourselves. After some very questionable riding, I actually came 2nd, so I was pretty pleased I didn’t totally disgrace myself there!

πŸ‘» Spooky Season πŸ‘»

Today is of course, Halloween, marking that special celebration of ‘All Hallows Eve’, where it was believed that the line between our world and the ‘other world’ becomes so much finer, making it easier for spirits to return. I love Halloween, despite it being a little scary (yes, I still find it scary!). I guess with the clocks gong back, the leaves changing and the dark damp weather really setting in, its always the time when you really feel that change of season.

To celebrate, I went to a local event last night, called Frightmare (surprise, surprise!). I have been going to this event every year, for I think as long as I have lived in the area. It is always fantastically well run, and is just the right amount of scary! I’m the sort of person that wants to watch a scary film, and then runs everywhere for a week after, terrified what might get me. I have to admit, I do quite like that feeling of being scared that you get at these events, and the mazes are short enough that you know it will be over in good time!

I have to admit I am very picky when it comes to footwear, and I knew Frightmare was going to be muddy. I have recently received some of the new Leather Chelsea Boots from Welligogs (here), and thought these would be perfect for the evening. I didn’t quite realise just how muddy they would get (see below!). However, these were so so comfortable, they are still pretty new and I have only worn them for very short amounts of time so far. My feet didn’t hurt once, they didn’t rub anywhere, and they did the job perfectly. They also cleaned up incredibly this morning – I couldn’t believe it. Whilst so much of what I post is picture perfect imagery, rest assured that I really do try and test these products I talk about. And I’m not afraid to get things muddy or really put them through their paces!

Other than that, I’ve been watching the endless Harry Potter films being shown on TV. The Philosophers Stone had been celebrating 20 years, so I went to see this at a social cinema viewing and I forgot how much better everything is on the big screen, it was incredible!

Whatever you have been up to for Halloween, I hope you’ve had an amazing time!

I am so excited for what the next couple of months have to offer! There will be lots of posts coming, so please do subscribe below if you don’t want to miss any! My next post is scheduled for Thursday 7pm!

I want to thank you again if you visit my blogs regularly and love what I write about, it really does mean the world to me!

See you really soon 🀍

Lots of Love, Lucinda xo

β€œI’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” 

― L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

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