Blog,  CCL Diaries

CCL Diaries – 1

I’ve been debating this for months. Going back and forth wondering if I want to open up a bit more. I love the idea, and I want to document more frequently the things that go on in my life. But equally, there’s a reason why I have never done it before. It scares me, and despite how social media looks, I am quite a private person. There’s lots of things that happen, that don’t necessarily fit into a specific blog, that I’d still love to write about. As I said, I’ve toyed with this hundreds of times, but I’ve always wimped out at the last minute instead, and just stuck to the usual blogs.

I imagine this series of blogs to be the equivalent content of that of a weekly vlogger, but I don’t think I’ll be documenting quite that often, probably more like monthly – should I decide to continue with this plan.

On Instagram a little while back, I was nominated to share 5 things about me. I think that this was one of the first times I’ve really shared some information about me, Lucinda, rather than Country Classic Lucinda, that we normally see on my socials. I enjoyed it, and it again reiterated that I wanted to share more with you than just the usual. It is tricky at the moment during lockdown, obviously I would normally be attending a lot of event throughout the Summer, where it would make sense for them to have their own blog posts, but with the Summer ahead, this may be an easier way to document things happening.

These are the facts that I was nominated to post on Instagram:
1. I have a Masters degree in Equine Science. I loved my under grad degree which was in Equestrian Sports Science, and I loved studying for my Masters, where a lot of my focus was around rider psychology! I never thought I would go to uni, so I was amazed finishing both the the highest grades! 👩🏻‍🎓
2. I only started riding when I was 11 years old! I immediately fell in love though and I was fortunate enough to loan a horse called Peanut very quickly after my first riding lessons. I got my first owned pony for Christmas – isn’t that every little girls dream?! Nushi was in her stable with her mane covered in ribbons, and I was handed all her documents wrapped up! I had no idea and that one was of the best days of my life🐴
3. I LOVE The O.C. I probably know the whole series word for word, and I dread to think how many times I’ve replayed them over and over again. I was OBSESSED. When I went to California, I did a tour with my Uncle to find all the spots they used to film at- and even ate at the diner on the pier ☀️
4. I presented the findings of my undergraduate dissertation at a conference and won their student presentation award! I researched sensation seeking traits of riders in different disciplines! Sports psychology is one of my biggest passions and interests🕵🏻‍♀️
5. I love Country music. I wouldn’t even know what is currently in the charts, I only really listen to country music, and my house pretty much turns into a Honky Tonk in the evenings! 🤠

I am just a normal 20 something muddling my way through life, but I feel like I’ve got so much to share, the good, the bad and the ugly, and I want you to come along for the real life ride as well, should you want to. I am always being DM’d with questions and queries, from likeminded females, often wanting reassurance that how they feel is normal, or that something they are experiencing is ok to feel. I also have had so many messages about confidence, self-esteem and also doing things alone. Lots of you reach out to me, and I love that.

I want this blog to be the insider for those of you that love getting to know the people behind the pages. For me, the bloggers/vloggers I relate most to, are those who I feel connected to, through their content. My friends always say that things just seem to happen to me, and I don’t think you get to see enough of my personality over on my socials. I hope this might be able to change that! Whilst I am not going to plaster these all over social, they will just be quietly here, for those of you wanting to know and read more!

In just 9 days time this little blog will be celebrating it’s first birthday, and what a year it has been. Lots of highs, lots of lows, and lots of proud achievements. I hope you’ll continue to stick around, and support and enjoy CCL for a long time coming.

This week has been a funny old week of emotions for me. Whilst I am finding something quietly recharging about lockdown, I am also finding it tough. The little pony I share is currently on lockdown too, and I know, like many others in the same situation, this is really difficult, especially as we have more time than ever to be able to spend with them.

I am also finding social media harder than ever during lockdown. Whilst I am normally able to balance my time on there well due to my life normally being pretty hectic, I am finding more than ever that I am spending aimless time scrolling away – looking at ‘seemingly perfect’ lockdowns, which is probably so far from the truth – but it still knocks your own expectations. I have also noticed some things that are being released, are scarily close to things I am putting out. I know people probably think I wouldn’t see, or won’t notice. But when something is so like for like, trust me, I notice. I find this incredibly frustrating. I completely understand gaining inspiration, and I absolutely love being able to inspire you, and help you with your own projects, but this seems to go a little beyond that – which is a shame.

I feel at the moment like I have lost a little bit of love with the social channels, somewhere that I normally find so much joy in content creation. But not wanting to post things knowing they will immediately be imitated is a frustrating battle. I am also becoming increasingly frustrated with the algorithms currently used, they seem to play unfairly, and whilst I try to produce content that I myself enjoy, I always hope it benefits my following too, which I know it does from all of your kind messages. But Instagram for example is continually grinding the growth on the platform to a halt, and I get frustrated that those that see and enjoy my content, are sometimes missing latest posts.

However, one thing I am very pleased to announce is that I am now able to offer you a discount with Morris Richardson watches. This code is ‘CCL15’, and if you enter this when you check out, you will receive your 15% off your order! If you’ve followed me for a long while, you’ll know just how much I love my watch, and it is always matched to my outfit!

Another exciting little surprise I have for you:

Like I mentioned above, I am simply going to leave it up to those who wish to find out a little more ‘behind the scenes’ to visit these blogs for themselves.

That’s all for now Darlings.

Lots of Love, Lucinda xo

’If you don’t know where you’re going, any road can take you there’

Lewis Carroll

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